Confusion in her eyes that says it all.
Shes lost control.
And shes clinging to the nearest passer by,
Shes lost control.
And she gave away the secrets of her past,
And said Ive lost control again,
And a voice that told her when and where to act,
She said Ive lost control again.
And she turned around and took me by the hand and said,
Ive lost control again.
And how Ill never know just why or understand,
She said Ive lost control again.
And she screamed out kicking on her side and said,
Ive lost control again.
And seized up on the floor, I thought shed die.
She said Ive lost control.
Shes lost control again.
Shes lost control.
Shes lost control again.
Shes lost control.
Well I had to phone her friend to state my case,
And say shes lost control again.
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes,
And said Ive lost control again.
But she expressed herself in many different ways,
Until she lost control again.
And walked upon the edge of no escape,
And laughed Ive lost control.
Shes lost control again.
Shes lost control.
Shes lost control again.
Shes lost control.
I could live a little better with the myths and the lies,
When the darkness broke in, I just broke down and cried.
I could live a little in a wider line,
When the change is gone, when the urge is gone,
To lose control. when here we come.
Vi tus fantasmas llegar mientras te reías.
No fui tan cruel, eras tú quien más daño hacía.
Serás medicina mi salvavidas,
si pides deprisa ¿qué das?
Cambias, ahora cambias,
yo no puedo hacer más.
Cambias, siempre cambias,
no sé como acertar.
Cambias, ahora cambias,
más no.
Nunca creí en los astros ni en tus pamplinas.
Dame y daré mucho más de lo que imaginas.
Si no doy más pistas di tú en quién piensas?
Así no es la vida, hay más.
Cambias, ahora cambias,
yo no puedo hacer más.
Cambias, siempre cambias,
mejor vuelve a contar.
Cambias, ahora cambias,
más no.
Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream she said
The one that makes me laugh she said
And threw her arms around my neck
Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
Ill run away with you
Ill run away with you
Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
Why are you so far away? she said
Why wont you ever know that Im in love with you
That Im in love with you
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
Youre just like a dream
Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven